SOFTEC Moments Ignite Conversations

SOFTEC is the 

Society of Friendly Technologists, Entrepreneurs, and Creatives

Our mission is to foster a vibrant TEC (Technologist, Entrepreneur, and Creative) community through engaging networking events, discussions, and educational programs. We serve professionals across San Luis Obispo County and the Santa Maria Valley. Softec champions entrepreneurship, innovation, and collaboration by creating “Softec Moments” that ignite world-changing conversations.

Why Softec Moments Matter

  • Moments Ignite Conversations
  • Conversations Create Relationships
  • Relationships Build Teams
  • Teams Evolve Into Businesses
  • Businesses Create Jobs
  • Jobs Create Wealth
  • Wealth Drives Quality of Life
  • Quality of life is why our families and friends choose to live here


Softec Events Calendar