SIGs (Special Interest Groups)

SIGs are to professionals what classes are to students. SIGs are magnets to attract professionals who share a common interest and seek to advance their skills with a lifelong learning strategy. A SIG is a monthly one-hour casual event for professionals to discuss, debate, and learn about a specific topic from their peers, and thanks to the Softec Sponsors, they are free.

Rate of Change

The rate of change in our world will never be slower than it is today, which is another way of saying that change is fast and getting faster. At the professional level, learning from your peers is a proven learning method that improves innovation, adaptability, and career options.


Professionals spend much of their time in silos within the business they serve, and therein lies the challenge. Silos are not conducive to innovation because it is always the same perspective.  When you belong to a SIG, you get outside your silo for one hour each month and hear fresh ideas and perspectives. Professionals learn more from their peers than from any other source.

Who are they for?

SIGs are an event for all experience levels. Whether you’re an expert refining your skills or a newcomer learning the basics, SIGs offer a unique opportunity to exchange innovative tips and tricks and learn from fellow enthusiasts. Elevate your expertise, discover new techniques, and be inspired by the creativity and knowledge of your peers. SIGs are about connecting, having thoughtful discussions, and creating Softec Moments.

If you have a topic, let us know by emailing

Upcoming SIGs – Click Here 

SIG Topic Details

SIGs are public events open to all expertise levels. Pre-registration helps us plan event support, but walk-ins are always welcome. Most are organized under The links are Softec, SLO County Coders, and Santa Maria SIG.

Coders: Designed for all levels of coders, programmers, and others interested in software development.

Artificial Intelligence: This SIG explores the rapidly evolving AI, focusing on Generative Text and Images. Share your latest experiments and learn from peers.

Digital Marketing: If you want to learn and share in SEO, PPC, Social Media, Email, and Content, this is the place for you.  Topics change every month.

Pitching: Develop your gift for gab! The group explores speaking, motivational materials, and strategies for moving an audience to action in all forms. Pitching is a universal business skill; how’s your fastball?

CyberSecurity: One of the hottest topics on the Internet today. If you have not been challenged in this area yet, it is a matter of time.

CEO Roundtables: Since 2004, the CEO Roundtables have been bringing CEOs together to discuss the latest issues in running and growing a local business. These events have an application and approval process to join, starting here.

Coders & Coffee: A community of coders, developers, and programmers who gather for friendship, support, fun, and inspiration. We love our beautiful county and this wild and fun profession. We hope you’ll join us for the ride.

Sci-Fi Writers: A community of writers with books from concept to publisher negotiation and sales strategies. This is a selective hybrid group, and to become a remote member, contact Brian Schwartz.

Shop Talk: An informal monthly meetup with a different topic or presentation each time. This allows us to ‘talk shop’ and foster meaningful discussions, building inspiration and connection.

Tech Brew: Networking pure and simple. Tech Brews sometimes have a speaker and topic but the real purpose is to get people together. Have a cold brew and meet your new best friends.

Tech Read: This is a live podcast where Softec interviews thought-leading authors, both local and remote. Attendance is limited, so everyone can ask their questions, and the format is limited to one hour. You can find prior Tech Reads here.