We’re super excited that you’re thinking about sponsoring Softec! It means a lot to us. Your support is huge in building our ET Community and opening doors for so many people.
To give you a quick snapshot, Softec is about nurturing the tech scene here on the Central Coast. We’re a community-owned nonprofit powered by amazing volunteers. Our lifeblood is the generosity of our sponsors like you. For over 30 years, Softec has effectively managed our sponsor’s community investments and created results decade after decade. We can’t thank you enough for stepping and investing in YOUR community.
Below, you will find the fantastic companies and organizations that are Softec Sponsors. If you are looking for the benefits sponsors receive, click here.
Decide what level you can help, and email Bob Dumouchel at President@Softec.org, and let’s get started. Thank you for investing in the local ET Business Community.
A Softec Moment is when smart people connect to explore brilliant ideas and create businesses. Every Softec Moment starts with Hello, followed by “Tell me more.”
1st Logo Position on Softec’s Home Page
52 Job Postings in Softec’s Networking Weekly Email to 2,400+ members.
1st Logo Position on Softec emails – over 103,000 per year
Sponsor Mentions at Softec Events
2nd Logo Position on Softec’s Event Banner
Unlimited Social Media Reposting to our LinkedIn connections of over 9,000.
Investment: $5,000
All Mid-year investments are prorated quarterly:
1st Qtr April 1 – 75%
2nd Qtr July 1 – 50%
3rd Qtr Nov 1 – 25%
2nd Logo Position on Softec’s Home Page
12 Job Postings in Softec’s Networking Weekly Email to 2,400+ members.
2nd Logo Position on Softec emails
Sponsor Mentions at Softec Events
2nd Logo Position on Softec’s Event Banner
6 Social Media Repostings to our LinkedIn connections of over 9,000.
Investment: $2,500
3rd Logo Position on Softec’s Home Page
6 Job Postings in Softec’s Networking Weekly Email to 2,400+ members.
3rd Logo Position on Softec emails
3rd Logo Position on Softec’s Event Banner
3 Social Media Repostings to our LinkedIn connections of over 9,000.
Investment: $1,000
Carbon Fiber
4th Logo Position on Softec’s Home Page
3 Job Postings in Softec’s Networking Weekly Email to 2,400+ members.
4th Logo Position on Softec emails
4th Logo Position on Softec’s Event Banner
1 Social Media Reposting to our LinkedIn connections of over 9,000.
Investment: $500
How Softec puts your sponsorship to work in our community:
Host networking events that raise the visibility of the tech industry on the Central Coast.
Create bridges between tech businesses, education, and government to advance tech business formation and growth.
Spotlight local tech businesses, raising awareness of that business and the industry.
Support the Robotics Teams in the region with the goal of creating mind-sport competitions in our community.
Represent the tech industry and advocate for public policy that will help the industry thrive locally
Maintain our 2,400+ strong email list so we can communicate with our sponsors and members. Our email list is how we create our voice in the community.
Softec is a nonprofit organization so your contributions may be tax-deductible.